Welcome to Kontroll Driving School!

We’re thrilled that you’re visiting our website! What we offer is a highly time-efficient English e-learning theoretical course (which you can study at your own schedule and pace), followed by driving lessons in Budapest with one of our fluent English-speaking driving instructors, .

All administration is done online (eg. registration itself only takes about 5 minutes), all payments are made by bank card or transfer, so absolutely no unnecessary trips to the office for pointless paperwork, and no cash payments at any part of the process!

Want to get started right away? Sign up now, it only takes 5 minutes:

 Take a minute to overview the main steps in the process of receiving your Hungarian drivers’ licence as swiftly as possible:

  1. Registration:
    1. You’ll need to input your personal and contact information, this takes about 4-5 minutes
    2. At the appropriate step, please choose type ’1’ doctor’s certificate (you do NOT need to have this at the time of registration, it’s perfectly fine if you send it to us by email later).
    3. At the end of registration, you can pay for your English e-learning course by bank card, the fee (which includes the e-learning course) is HUF 68.000.
  2. E-learning course:
    1. Following registration, you must begin your e-learning course within 90 days, and finish the material within 180 days, otherwise your registration is automatically deleted.
    2. Otherwise, you are free to overview the material at your convenience
  3. Theoretical (’KRESZ’) exam:
    1. Having finished your e-learning course, you must send us your doctor’s certificate and the ’Jelentkezési adatlap’ (which we will send you via post a few days following registration) in order to be eligible for a so-called ’KRESZ exam’.
    2. At the time of your exam, please make sure to have your ID card and ’lakcím kártya’ (address card), and an official certificate proving your highest level of education with you.
    3. Should you require it, you may need to assign a translator from OFI (we will help you get this done).
    4. ’KRESZ’ exam fee: HUF 4.600
  4. Driving lessons:
    1. Following your successful ’KRESZ’ exam, please get in touch with our Customer Service, so we can get you in touch with your driving instructor, and get you started with your driving lessong as soon as possible.
    2. Driving lesson fee: HUF 12.000 / hour (during weekdays between 6:00-17:00)
  5. Driving exam:
    1. Once you have driven a legally mandatory amount of 29 hours, and at least 580 kms, you are eligible to attent a driving exam.
    2. Should you require it, you may need to assign a translator from OFI (we will help you get this done).
    3. Driving exam fee: HUF 11.000
  6. First aid course and exam:
    1. It is mandatory to pass a first aid exam to receive your drivers licence. This is possible only at the Hungarian Red Cross (’Magyar Vöröskereszt’), which is an entity on its own, so you must contact them directly for an exam date (we will help you with this, of course).
    2. We have first aid exam preparation courses and online materials for this exam.
    3. First aid exam fee: HUF 15.500
  7. Receiving your drivers’ ID:
    1. Once you have finished the above, you can receive your drivers licence at any so-called ’Okmányiroda’, where you will need to have with you your ID card, address card (’lakcím kártya’), doctor’s certificate, and the certificate of your first aid exam.

That’s the entire process, there’s really nothing more to it, so get started now by clicking the link below and register for your e-learning course!

 If you have any questions, please contact us by email (click on the ’Kapcsolat’ menu item at the top of the page), or by one of our social media accounts (FB, Instagram, Tiktok, Youtube, see the bottom of the page for links).

Have a great day!